Always going to be a lyrics girl
Always going to tell you I love you before you're ready
Always going to finish the book & be quiet
Always going to need more than you can give
Always going to value truth over my own feelings
Always going to see you and be afraid its the last
Always going to remember every word, every silence, every tilt of the head, every touch, every beautiful idiosyncratic essence you share with me
Always going to text/email/laugh/speak/hug/love/cry/miss/mourn/try to say goodbye.........first
Always going to search tirelessly for the adults in this world....I've been needing you such a very long time.
Always going to forget your name. But remember your eyes.
Always going to fight you letting me go
Always going to be frightened of not doing/being/saying/showing/feeling/breathing/acting my best
Always going to choose the French Wine and the French cheese and the French dessert
Always going to smell the thunder before I hear it or see the lightning
Always going to be called in for Lady M, think like Cordelia, feel like Ophelia and be cast as Desdemona
Always going to be there when you need it most, but never when you want it most
Always going to be 'too' deep, 'too' sensitive and 'too' meaningful
Always going to make you serious when you want to laugh and laugh when you want to be serious
Always going to worry if you know how much you are loved
Always going to run home.